/Hero/Default/hollandzorg(24,36) : error : Object `linkInfo` is null. Cannot access member: linkInfo.url

Part of Salland Zorgverzekeraar

HollandZorg forms part of Salland Zorgverzekeraar (Health Insurer), the Salland cooperative which was incorporated in 1860. We have been focusing on people and their personal situations for more than 160 years now. Salland Zorgverzekeringen is also part of the services provided by Salland Zorgverzekeraar.

Please visit the cooperative's website for vacancies, our investment policy, fraud policy and information for care providers.

Involvement of insured parties

On 6 March 2020, the Dutch Senate adopted a proposal to amend the Health Insurance Act (Zvw). This was about increasing the insured's influence on the healthcare insurer (insured influence Zvw). The aim is to increase the insured's influence on the policy of their health care insurer, so that this policy will be more in line with their wishes.