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If you visit our website, we may store cookies on your computer. Cookies enable us to recognise you automatically on your next visit. This document describes how we use cookies on our website.

Sometimes, cookies are also used via third-party functionalities that are available on our website.

What is a cookie?

We use cookies on this website. A cookie is a simple, small text file that is sent along with the pages of this website and stored on the hard disk of your computer by your browser. The information stored in it may be sent back to our servers or those of the relevant third parties on the next visit. If you give permission for the installation of cookies, this enables us to record certain data about you. For example, the language settings of your browser.

What does HollandZorg do with the cookies?

A cookie collects information. We never share the data with other parties. Nor do we store your e-mail address without your explicit permission. Cookies give us insights into the information needs of website visitors. This enables us to customise the content and functionality of our website and the communication to suit your preferences. In some cases, personal data (that is, personal information) is processed via the cookies. Please read our privacy statement for more information about how HollandZorg deals with your personal data.

Which cookies do we use?

Salland.nl uses the following types of cookies:

There are 3 types of cookies: Functional, Limited and Complete. We are happy to explain how we use these different types of cookies.

Technical or functional cookies

These cookies ensure that parts of our website function properly and we remain informed of your preferences. For example, cookies are used to display images and fonts correctly, to remember your user session on the server, so you can view the website, to remember whether you accept cookies or not, or to adjust the format of the website to that of your screen. These cookies fall into the Functional category.

Analytical cookies

This includes analytical cookies that collect anonymous information to improve our websites and online services. This allows us to discover what works well and what we need to do even better. Analytical cookies collect anonymous information to improve our website and services. This information cannot be traced to a person.

We use Google Analytics to gain an understanding of how website visitors use our website. Google Analytics and HollandZorg have entered into a processing agreement, in which arrangements have been made about how the collected data is treated. Google is not allowed to share or use the data obtained for any other Google services. The IP addresses are also anonymised. These cookies fall into the Limited category. You can refuse these type of cookies by changing your settings.

Targeting cookies

This includes cookies that collect personal information. For example, for social media applications, targeting (personalisation), advertisements and other cookies that we cannot place in the other categories.

  • Affiliate cookies are cookies from companies that place our advertisements on their websites. We always install these cookies so we can pay them for this placement. These cookies fall into the Necessary category. We ask permission in the case of other purposes. The cookies do nothing with your personal data, they only measure how often the advertisement has been seen, clicked and whether registration has taken place.
  • We install social media cookies to be able to use third-party functionalities, such as YouTube videos. These cookies fall into the Complete category.

We use advertising cookies to draw attention to our products and services. We prefer to do this as specifically as possible to limit the number of contact moments. These cookies also fall into the Complete category.

Enabling and disabling cookies and deletion

We ask you for permission for functional and targeting cookies. You can give your permission by indicating your choice below in the Cookie settings. We also ask for your permission when you visit our website. Some cookies we use ourselves but for other cookies, we engage third parties. They always act on our behalf and we decide what happens with the data. Some cookies are only installed and used by third parties. We do not have any control over these third parties and how they use your data.

For more information about how these third parties use cookies, we refer to their relevant privacy notices. Attention! The privacy notices of third parties may change frequently.

For more information about enabling and disabling and deleting cookies, please refer to the instructions and/or use the Help feature of your browser.

More information on cookies?

The following website tells you more about cookies:

Your Online Choices: A guide to online behavioural advertising

About this cookie policy

HollandZorg may change this cookie policy in the event of corporate changes and if something changes in laws or regulations. This cookie policy was most recently changed on March, 1st, 2021. You will always find the latest version on our site. Therefore, check our site regularly.