/Hero/Default/hollandzorg(24,36) : error : Object `linkInfo` is null. Cannot access member: linkInfo.url

You will find a lot of useful information about living and working in the Netherlands online:

  • Workinnl.nl: information about working and living in the Netherlands. Under the theme 'Care' you will find, among other things, everything you need to know about taking out health insurance. The website is also available in English, Polish and Romanian.
  • Coming to the Netherlands for work: what do I need to know? (rijksoverheid.nl, also available in English)

Documents for employers

There are several documents available about our services and our health insurance for international workers. Most documents are available in Dutch and English, some also in Polish, Bulgarian and Romanian. You can download the documents below.

In English

Po polsku

Pracują Państwo w Holandii? To oznacza, że są Państwo prawnie zobowiązani wykupić ubezpieczenie zdrowotne!

În limba română

Lucraţi în Olanda? Atunci aveţi obligaţia legală de a încheia o asigurare de sănătate.

На български език

In het Nederlands (Dutch)

Werken in Nederland
Werkt u in Nederland? Dan bent u wettelijk verplicht een zorgverzekering af te sluiten.

Informatie van het CAK
Wonen in het buitenland, werken in Nederland

Voorwaarden en folders