Claiming an invoice
In order for you to be able to claim an invoice, it has to be drawn up in a foreign language, as long as it is in the Latin alphabet (Western script). If that is not the case, we need a translation from a certified translator. The invoice needs to state the following details:
- Name, address, domicile and profession of the healthcare provider
- The date of the invoice and the date on which the care was provided
- A description of the care provided
- Name and date of birth of the insured person
When you submit the invoice, we also need a claim form. Please note: if you have bills from several healthcare providers? Then fill in a claim form for each healthcare provider separately. You can choose from the following forms:
- Claim form Dutch
- Claim form English
- Claim form Polish (Wniosek o pokrycie kosztów leczenia)
International claim form
Note: when submitting a claim for an international invoice, the process is different compared to a Dutch invoice. When submitting a claim for an international invoice, you also have to complete the back of the claim form. If you have inovices from several healthcare providers? Then fill in a claim form for each healthcare provider separately. Send this form, along with the original invoice and a translation (if appropriate) to:
Attn. dept. Verstrekkingen/groep verzekerden
Antwoordnummer 30
7400 VB Deventer
No stamp required.