Corona virus: frequently asked questions
Do you have a question about the corona virus and your health insurance? We have listed and answered the most frequently asked questions for you.
You can find more general information about corona on the website and on the RIVM website (Public Health and Environmental Protection). You can also contact RIVM via 0800-1351 between 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. In addition to the advice from the RIVM, we took extra measures.
How can I get a vaccination?
You don’t even have to make an appointment for this anymore. There are locations where you can walk in for a shot. You can find them at This site has also been translated into other languages, including Polish and Romãnã. If you do want to make an appointment, you can call 0800 7070. They only speak Dutch and English. You can also make an appointment online via www.coronavaccinatie-afspraak.nlI want to travel to my home country, is this possible?
Do you want to travel to your home country? Check the website of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs where you can find the current travel advice.
Will I be reimbursed for face masks or disinfectant gel?
No, face masks and disinfectant gel are not covered by the basic health insurance. Follow these guidelines to help prevent the virus from spreading:
- regularly and thoroughly wash your hands with liquid soap;
- cough and sneeze in the inside of your elbow, not into your hands;
- use paper tissues;
- keep 1.5 meters distance.
I want to be tested for the coronavirus, will I be reimbursed?
Testing for the coronavirus can be done for free at the Municipal Health Services (GGD) test centers. At commercial testing centers, you must pay and these costs will not be reimbursed. If you test positive for the corona virus and your symptoms are getting worse, you call your GP by telephone first:
- fever (more than 38 degrees);
- coughing and tightness of the chest.
Laboratory tests are covered by the basic health insurance. The costs may be subject to a policy excess.
If I need to be put in isolation at home, will I be compensated under my health insurance?
If you have to be put in isolation at home you do not, in principle, incur any medical expenses. Isolation is a precautionary measure to reduce the risk of further spreading.
What do I do if my hospital has an admission stop?
Your hospital will contact you if you cannot be seen or if your appointment needs to be rescheduled. Your hospital will arrange for you to go to another hospital if needed.
I do not want to go to the hospital for my planned treatment. Can I reschedule the appointment?
In that case, you are advised to contact the hospital. Discuss also whether your appointment can be postponed without risk.
Will I be reimbursed for my medical expenses if I become infected?
Medical expenses incurred for treating COVID-19 are covered by the basic health insurance.
Will I be reimbursed if I have to be transferred to Germany?
Yes, if you are transferred to Germany for the treatment of COVID-19 (the coronavirus), we reimburse the costs. Normally, reimbursement up to the Dutch rate applies from the Public Healthcare Insurance. This does not apply to treatment of COVID-19 in Germany.
Can i still go to the hospital or General Practitioner for emergency care?
Yes, you can still go to the General Practitioner, a GP centra or the Emergency Room at the hospital. If you need urgent care, don't wait. Hospitals do have time for other patientes than the ones that are infected with the corona virus. You don't need to worry about getting infected either, the hospitals have measures in place to prevent that.
Do you want to visit a General Practitioner of a GP centre? Give them a call first. Are your symptoms life threatening? Go directly to the Emergency Room or call 112.
Information in various languages: measures to prevent the spread of the coronavirus.
The Dutch government has information in various languages available that provides information to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Languages: English, Spanish, Polish and Turkish. And about the telephone number (tel: 0800 - 1351) and the website where people can go for questions about the virus.