As soon as you have to rely on healthcare, you want it to be available within an acceptable time frame and distance. This is why we do our utmost to contract as much healthcare as possible in your area. This will differ, depending on the type of care: your GP's surgery will often be close by, but for other types of healthcare you may have to travel a bit.
We analyse the availability of sufficient healthcare for our insured in the long and short term. This market analysis forms part of our healthcare purchase policy. Depending on the outcome, we will apply a policy in order to be able to continue to guarantee the availability of sufficient healthcare. Our contracted care is covered on a nationwide basis.
The contracts with care provides also stipulate that the care provider provides healthcare 'promptly'. In order to determine that 'promptness' of healthcare, the care providers, patient organisations and health insurers have set certain standards. When a care provider fails to meet the standard, he will refer the insured and reports this to the health insurer.
We apply the following standards for the types of healthcare referred to below:
General Practitioner (GP):
Dispensing chemist:
Paramedical care:
Crisis admission GGz (mental health care):
Applying for healthcare mediation
At HollandZorg, you can simply apply for healthcare mediation online. Please complete the healthcare mediation application form. One of our members of staff will contact you within five working days to discuss your options.
What to expect from healthcare mediation
- at your request, we actively mediate if you are faced with an excessively long waiting list at your hospit;
- we mediate for day treatment, outpatient assistance and hospitalisation;
- we will contact you within two working days.
Offer healthcare mediation not compulsory
It is possible another hospital outside your region can see you earlier. You are not obliged to accept this offer. Ultimately, you decide if you want to make use of our healthcare mediation.