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Terms and conditions for HollandZorg health insurance plans


Flexpolis policy

Individual policy

Documents relating to our insurance policies 2024

In our insurance conditions, we refer to several regulations and documents. The documents, most of which are only available in Dutch, are listed below:

Alternative medicine

Children with overweight or obesity

Combined lifestyle intervention 

Dental care

Fall prevention

  • List of prevention programmes fall prevention for adults: At the moment it is not yet known which training programs to prevent falls are eligible for reimbursement from the public healthcare insurance. Health insurers are still waiting for information about this from Zorginstituut Nederland. As soon as more is known about this, you can find the training programs in the 'List of prevention programmes fall prevention for adults'.


Maternity care

Medical aids


Mental health

Non-contracted care

Physiotherapy and remedial therapy

  • Healthcare Insurance Decree, appendix 1 (List of chronic disorders - physiotherapy and remedial therapy)

Specialist care


Conditions 2023

Here you find the terms and conditions for our 2023 policies.