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Reimbursements for diabetic medical aids

A lancet is a type of needle. You insert the lancet in a device (the equipment used to take blood). You can lance yourself with this device. The blood droplet that appears must be placed on a test strip. This test strip can then be 'read' by the blood glucose test meter. This is a very simply method to determine the blood sugar levels in your blood.

When do you qualify for reimbursement?

You qualify for lancets and test strips when you suffer from diabetes mellitus that is treated with insulin. If you also take pills against excessive sugar levels, but your physician is considering treating you with insulin, you may also (temporarily) use test strips and lancets.

When you need insulin for the treatment of diabetes, you are entitled to insulin pens.

Prescription needed

For lancets and test strips, you need a prescription from a physician or diabetes nurse. The prescription must show the indication and a description of the medical aid required.

On loan or owner?

You will be the owner of the lancets and test strips.

Reimbursement diabetes medical aids

By virtue of the public healthcare insurance, you are entitled to diabetes medical aids:
 Basic Health Insurance Reimbursement
 HollandZorg basic health insurance  100% for contracted care*

* The number of diabetes medical aids you receive depend on your diabetes:

   Number of medical aids
You have completed your diabetes treatment with pills to lower your blood sugar and now your physician is considering insulin treatment  max. 100 test strips/lancets (once)
 You apply 1 to 2 insulin injections per day to treat your diabetes  max. 100 test strips/lancets every 3 months**
 You apply 3 or more insulin injections per day or you use an insulin pump to treat your diabetes  max. 400 test strips/lancets every 3 months**
 In all cases  max. 2 insulin pens every 3 years

** In case of diabetes that is difficult to control, we may decide to give more test strips and lancets. You can request this consent in writing. When you send in your request, you must enclose the prescription from a physician or diabetes nurse.

For more information, see appendix 2 of the Medical aids regulations (in Dutch).

Maximum rates non-contracted provider

If the medical aids are available from a contracted care provider when you need it, but you prefer to go to a non-contracted care provider instead, we will apply a maximum reimbursement. The non-contracted provider has to comply with the conditions set out in the Medical Aids Regulations. A medical aid that we sell to you is reimbursed up to a maximum of 75% of the costs we would incur if you would have received the care from a contracted care provider. In that case, we also reimburse a maximum of 75% of any repair costs in connection with the medical aid.

Statutory personal contribution

There is no statutory personal contribution for lancets and test strips.


Are you 18 or older? The costs of lancets and test strips count towards your compulsory and, if applicable voluntary excess.

Who can you go to?

You can take the prescription from a physician or diabetes nurse to a contracted provider or dispensing chemists. The provider or chemist will determine, on behalf of HollandZorg, if you qualify for test strips and/or lancets.

Written consent needed?

Do you want to use a non-contracted provider? Or do you want to apply for a higher number of test strips or lancets? In these instances, you will need our prior written consent. You can only go to a chemist or S.E.M.H.-recognised provider of medical aids.

Please send your prescription and offer to:

Medisch adviseur
Antwoordnummer 30
7400 VB Deventer

No stamp required.

Please note:

The information on this page is a brief outline of the reimbursements. No rights can be derived from this page. You can only derive rights from our insurance conditions 2025.

Your health insurance

In My HollandZorg you will find all information about your health insurance policy. 

Maximum rates for a non-contracted care provider

Have you chosen a healthcare provider with whom we have no contract? Then, we will reimburse according to our maximum rates for 2025. If the rate invoiced by the non-contracted care provider is higher than our maximum rates, you will have to pay the difference yourself. You will be able to find contracted care providers with our Care finder.

Reimbursements, conditions and regulations 2024