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Basic health insurance

Your basic health insurance provides cover for what the Dutch government considers basic care, such as general hospital care, emergency care and general practitioner (GP) consultations. HollandZorg basic health insurance is a combination policy. This means that most of the care you will use is provided for, rather than reimbursed. You can read more about how combination policies work here.

Below, you will find a short overview of common healthcare treatments, showing what is covered under the basic health insurance. Please consult our terms and conditions for a complete overview of reimbursements.

Treatments covered under your basic health insurance:

For more information, please consult our reimbursements page or our terms and conditions.  You can only derive rights from our policy conditions.

Cover? Statutory personal contribution?
General care    
General practitioner care yes no
General hospital care yes no
Healthcare abroad
Note: more information here
Urgent care outside the Netherlands. Medical repatriation. Always contact our emergency centre yes -
Physiotherapy and remedial therapy

Government approved medical disorders for under 18's

yes no
Other disorders for patients under 18 max. 9/18 treatments no
Government approved medical disorders for over 18's from 21st treatment no
 yes sometimes
Contraceptives yes, until the age of 21 -
Dental care    
Dental care in special circumstances
(No Risk II covers emergency dental care in the Netherlands up to € 200/year)
yes yes
Labour and birth    
Home birth
yes no
Hospital birth with medical indication yes no
Hospital birth without medical indication yes yes
Hospital maternity care with medical indication
yes no
Maternity care at home or in hospital/birth centre
yes yes
Obstetric care before and after childbirth yes no
Maternity package no -
Mental healthcare    
Mental healthcare  yes no

Supplementary insurance plans

No Risk I from 2025

Cover Explanation
€ 385 You do not have to pay any excess.

No Risk II from 2025

Cover Explanation
Emergency dental care in
NL maximum of € 200 per calender year
You will be reimbursed for urgent care that cannot be postponed due to severe pain or chewing problems. Check the list of treatments for urgent oral care (in Dutch).
Reimbursement of statutory personal contribution for medication of € 250 Your statutory personal contribution for medication is covered by your policy. You do not pay anything when you receive medication from your pharmacy that was prescribed by your doctor.
Repatriation (transport home) within Europe on medical grounds 100%

You are entitled to transport and the organisation of such transport:

  • from the country you are temporarily staying in to the Netherlands or your country of origin
  • from the Netherlands to your country of origin

There has to be a medical reason for the transport. Transport of family members and other travel companions is not covered.

Repatriation (transport home) within Europe in the event of death
You are entitled to transport of your mortal remains from your place of death in the Netherlands or the country you are temporarily staying in to your country of origin. You are also entitled to reimbursement for the costs for organising such transport.

Please consult our terms and conditions for a complete overview of reimbursements.

Personal contribution

With a Dutch basic health insurance, you are obliged to pay a personal contribution for some medical expenses. For maternity care and hearing aids, for example. The government decides to which care the personal contribution applies and how high the contribution is. You can find out whether a personal contribution is needed by checking the reimbursement page for your specific type of treatment.

If you are covered under our No Risk II supplementary insurance, you will not have to pay any personal contribution for the use of medication.

Contracted general practitioner or doctor consultations
HollandZorg has negotiated contracts with care providers throughout the country. We have agreed standards of care and its costs. If you visit a non-contracted physician or care provider, you may have to pay for (part of) the treatment yourself. Want to know which medical professionals we have contracted? Use our Care finder.