Maternity care

Maternity care is the care provided to mother and child after childbirth. Maternity care consists solely of care in the 10 days following the date on which the the child is born. The number of hours maternity care you receive per day will depend on your personal situation.


The care provider and midwife will establish the number of hours of maternity care to be received in consultation with us. When establishing the number of hours maternity care to be provided, we observe the National Indication Protocol on Maternity Care (PDF). The number of hours and days will depend in part on the family composition and on the presence of help from family or friends (volunteer aid).

Reimbursement for maternity care

Under HollandZorg public healthcare insurance, you qualify for reimbursement for the costs of maternity care. Our supplementary insurances Plus and Top reimburse 60% of the statutory personal contribution for maternity care.

Public Healthcare Insurance  Reimbursement 
HollandZorg public heathcare insurance 100% minus any statutory personal contribution
Supplementary Insurance  Reimbursement 
Extra  none
 Plus statutory personal contribution for maternity care: 60%
statutory personal contribution for maternity care: 60%
No Risk I  none
No Risk II

Maximum rates for non-contracted care providers

Have you decided to receive maternity care from a maternity care provider with whom we have not made any agreements? If this is the case, we will apply a maximum reimbursement for maternity care. If the rates charged by the non-contracted care provider are higher than our maximum rates, you will pay the difference. View the Rate List on Maternity Care for Non-Contracted Care Providers here.

Statutory personal contribution

A statutory personal contribution of € 4,80 per hours applies to maternity care in your home. Do you have a medical indication for childbirth in a hospital or institution? If this is the case, you will not pay a personal contribution for maternity care while you and your child are staying in the institution.

Are you staying in a hospital, a maternity hotel or birth centre without medically needing to do so? If so, you will pay a statutory personal contribution of € 19,00 per day for you and € 19,00 per day for your child. Will your stay in the institution cost more than € 137,- per day? If so, you will also pay the amount above € 137,-.

No policy excess

The costs of maternity will not count towards the policy excess.

Who may provide this type of care?

For maternity care you can go to contracted birth centres, maternity carers or hospitals. For maternity care use our Care guide to find a care provider near you. Or call customer services on +31(0)570 687 123. We will be happy to answer your questions.

To receive maternity care, you must register with HollandZorg. Please register with us before the twentieth week of your pregnancy. This will enable us to arrange sufficient care for you well in advance. You can register with us by telephone on +31(0)570 687 123 or via our online registration form.

Coverage of an interpreter

Pregnant women who do not speak sufficient Dutch are eligible for coverage of the costs of an interpreter. It's important for the mother-to-be to fully understand the information given by the obstetrician and the maternity care provider, and that she has the opportunity to ask questions. An interpreter can help out. The obstetrician or maternity care provider will determine whether there is a need for an interpreter. If so, they will organise a professional interpreter. For this, they will be reimbursed.

Please note:

The information on this page is a brief outline of the reimbursements. No rights can be derived from this page. You can only derive rights from our insurance conditions 2024.

Your health insurance

In My HollandZorg you will find all information about your health insurance policy. 

Maximum rates for a non-contracted care provider

Have you chosen a healthcare provider with whom we have no contract? Then, we will reimburse according to our maximum rates for 2024. If the rate invoiced by the non-contracted care provider is higher than our maximum rates, you will have to pay the difference yourself. You will be able to find contracted care providers with our Care finder.

Reimbursements, conditions and regulations 2023