Genetic advice

Genetic advice will consist of, among other things, the investigation into and of hereditary defects by means of genealogical research, chromosome tests, biochemical diagnosis, ultrasound examinations and DNA tests.

Genetic advice will consist of:

  • the investigation into and of hereditary defects by means of genealogical research, chromosome tests, biochemical diagnosis, ultrasound examinations and DNA tests;
  • advice on the genetic nature of disorders or defects, or the greater risk of these that has been found to exist;
  • psychosocial counselling in the form of advice on the hereditary nature of a disorder or defects;
  • the examination of persons other than yourself, should this be required for the advice to be given to you. In this situation, other persons may be given advice too.


A referral will be required for genetic advice

To obtain genetic advice, you will require a referral from a general practitioner, a medical specialist, a doctor for the mentally disabled, a clinical technologist or a specialist in geriatric medicine. The referral will remain valid for a period of twelve months, commencing on the day the referral was issued.

Reimbursement for genetic advice

Under HollandZorg public healthcare insurance, you will qualify for the reimbursement of the costs of genetic advice.

Public Healthcare Insurance  Reimbursement  
HollandZorg public healthcare insurance 100%

Maximum rates non-contracted provider

If you are planning on seeing a care provider with whom we have not concluded an agreement, the rates of the rate list for non-contracted care apply (under medical specialist care). If the rates of the non-contracted care provider are higher than our maximum rates, the difference will be for your expense.

No statutory personal contribution

You will not be subject to a statutory personal contribution for genetic advice.

Policy excess

Are you 18 or older? The costs incurred for genetic advice will count towards your compulsory policy excess.

Who may provide this type of care?

A centre for genetic advice may provide you with genetic advice. You can find caretakers with our online search tool. You can easily find a (contracted) specialist in your residence area.

For more information, contact customer services on +31(0)570 687 123. Our expert employees will be pleased to help you.

Please note:

The information on this page is a brief outline of the reimbursements. No rights can be derived from this page. You can only derive rights from our insurance conditions 2024.

Your health insurance

In My HollandZorg you will find all information about your health insurance policy. 

Maximum rates for a non-contracted care provider

Have you chosen a healthcare provider with whom we have no contract? Then, we will reimburse according to our maximum rates for 2024. If the rate invoiced by the non-contracted care provider is higher than our maximum rates, you will have to pay the difference yourself. You will be able to find contracted care providers with our Care finder.

Reimbursements, conditions and regulations 2023