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Reimbursement for medicines

With your HollandZorg basic health insurance, you qualify for the reimbursement of certain medicines (determined by the government). Separate coverage applies to contraceptives.

Insurance plan Reimbursement
Basic healthcare plan
100% reimbursement* for contracted care,
minus any statutory personal contribution
Start none
Extra none
Plus none
Top none
No Risk I none
No Risk II 100% of the statutory personal contribution

When will you qualify for reimbursement?

Under the HollandZorg public healthcare insurance, you will qualify for the reimbursement of:

The following registered medicines, subject to authorisation by us:

The registered medicines authorised by us are specified in our Pharmacy regulations (in Dutch).

  • The following non-registered medicines:
    • medicines that have been prepared on a small scale by or on the instructions of the dispensing chemist, in his own pharmacy;
    • medicines which, following prior consent of the Public Health Supervisory Service and in accordance with rules to be stipulated ministerial regulation, are delivered following an order placed at the initiative of a doctor and which are intended for your use under his supervision, if:
  1. these medicines have been prepared in the Netherlands by a manufacturer with a licence for preparing medicines pursuant to the Medicines Act (Geneesmiddelenwet), and prepared in accordance with the specifications of that doctor; or
  2. these medicines are sold in another EU country or in a third country, and are imported into Dutch territory at the request of that doctor if you suffer from an illness suffered by no more than 1 in 150,000 inhabitants in the Netherlands;
  3. these medicines are sold in another EU country or in a third country and are imported into Dutch territory as a replacement medicine on account of a shortage of medicines;
  • medicines for which the Board has granted a trade licence for the assessment of medicines for public health reasons, if those medicines are not sold in the Netherlands but are sold in another EU country as a replacement medicine on account of a shortage of medicines.
  • Dietary preparations as referred to in Appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations.

Medicinal care also includes the advice and support which dispensing chemists generally provide for the assessment and responsible use of prescribed medicines.

Read the HollandZorg insurance conditions for further information about the reimbursement of medicines under the basic health insurance, as referred to above.

Medicines we do not reimburse

By virtue of the basic health insurance, you are not entitled to:

  • medicines to prevent travel sickness
  • medicines for research
  • medicines that are (virtually) equivalent to a registered medicine, but not included in Bijlage 1 Regeling zorgverzekering
  • medicines that are still being clinically tested and that will be made available for distressing cases
  • medicines administered to you when hospitalised or for medical specialist treatment. In that case, those medicines form part of that care

Preference policy

For a number of groups of mutually replaceable medicines, we have allocated a preferred medicine. If you are entitled to a preferred medicine, you are not entitled to another medicine, unless you have a 'medical need' or a 'logistical need'.

Medical need

You have a medical need when it would be medically irresponsible for you to use the preferred medicine. Your prescriber may only note 'medical need' on the prescription if he can substantiate that need. The chemist will check the existence of a medical need. In the event of doubt, the chemist and the prescriber will decide together on the medical need.

In the event of a medical necessity, you will not receive the preferred medicine. In that case, your chemist will choose another medicine with the lowest price on the basis of the prescribed active ingredient and the explanation of the prescriber. Before you receive the medicine of your choice, you must have tried at least two cheaper medicines with the same active ingredient. However, these medicines do need to be available and medically acceptable to you.

Logistical need

You have a logistical need if the preferred medicine is not available in the Netherlands for a prolonged period of time and no other preferred medicine has been allocated.

If you have a logistical need, your chemist will decide which other medicine he will dispense, on the basis of the active ingredient and associated explanation prescribed by the prescriber.

The list of preferred medicines forms a part of the Pharmacy regulations (in Dutch). We may change the list of preferred medicines at any time. Changes are announced on the page about the preference policy, where you can also read more about the preference policy itself.

In the case of other medicines that we have allocated and that do not appear on the list of preferred medicines, you are entitled to the medicine according to the so-called Lowest Price Guarantee policy. The Pharmacy regulations (in Dutch) explain which conditions apply to that policy. If your prescriber, by noting ‘medical need’ on the prescription, indicates that the medicine allocated under that policy is not medically advisable, the chemist will check the existence of a medical need. In the event of doubt, the chemist and the prescriber will decide together on the medical need. If the prescriber and the chemist are unable to reach an agreement, the position of the chemist takes precedence, unless we decide otherwise. If you are entitled to another registered medicine, your chemist will decide which other medicine he will dispense, on the basis of the active ingredient and associated explanation prescribed by the prescriber.

  • the following non-registered medicines in case of rational pharmacotherapy:
    • chemist's preparations, unless in the event of:
      • chemist's preparations that are (virtually) equivalent to a registered medicine not included in appendix 1 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering), with the exception of chemist's preparations that;
      • are (virtually) equal to registered UR medicines with regard to which no decision has been made about the qualification within the meaning of Article 2.8.1.a of the Health Insurance Decree (Besluit zorgverzekering), according to Appendices 1 and 3 to this regulation;
      • are (virtually) equal to a registered UR medicine that is listed in Appendix 3, section A of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering), provided the criteria given are met;
  • medicines which, following prior consent of the Public Health Supervisory Service and in accordance with rules to be stipulated ministerial regulation, are delivered following an order placed at the initiative of a doctor and which are intended for your use under his supervision, if:
    • these medicines have been prepared in the Netherlands by a manufacturer with a licence for preparing medicines pursuant to the Medicines Act (Geneesmiddelenwet), and prepared in accordance with the specifications of that doctor; or
    • these medicines are sold in another EU country or in a third country, and are imported into Dutch territory, if you suffer from an illness suffered by no more than 1 in 150,000 inhabitants in the Netherlands;
    • these medicines are sold in another EU country or in a third country and are imported into Dutch territory as a replacement medicine on account of a shortage of medicines;
  • medicines for which the Board has granted a trade licence for the assessment of medicines for public health reasons, if those medicines are not sold in the Netherlands but are sold in another EU country as a replacement medicine on account of a shortage of medicines.
  • the following dietary preparations:
    • dietary preparations as referred to in appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering). You are only entitled to the dietary preparations referred to in appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering) if the relevant conditions contained in appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering) have been met.
  • the following over-the-counter medicines and gastric acid inhibitors:
    • laxatives, calcium tablets, medicines for allergies, medicines for diarrhoea, medicines to empty the stomach and artificial tears as referred to in Appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering). You are only entitled to these over-the-counter medicines if the relevant conditions contained in appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering) have been met.
    • gastric acid inhibitors as referred to in appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering). You are only entitled to these gastric acid inhibitors if the relevant conditions contained in appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering) have been met.

Prescription needed

A physician (which also includes a GP, medical specialist, intellectual disability physician, sports doctor, geriatrician, nurse specialist and A&E doctor), orthodontist, dentist, obstetrician and physician assistant may issue a prescription for most medicines.

*) Per prescription, we will reimburse the costs of medicines for a maximum period of:

  • 15 days or the smallest supply packaging for medicines that are new for you
  • 1 course or 1 month for antibiotics or chemotherapy to combat acute disorders
  • A minimum of 3 months and a maximum of 12 months, if it concerns medicines for the treatment of chronic disorders, and you have been using the medicine for at least 6 months, and you have properly adjusted to that drug. With the exception of benzodiazepines, hypnotic drugs and anxiolytic drugs. The care provider issuing the prescription will determine whether it concerns a chronic disorder
  • 12 months for the contraceptive pill
  • 1 month in all other cases

**) The reimbursement applies for the medicines and the statutory personal contribution together.

Statutory personal contribution

You must pay a statutory personal contribution for a medicine that has been classified as belonging to a group of interchangeable medicines if the purchase price is higher than the reimbursement limit. A statutory personal contribution is also due when a medicine is prepared from a medicine for which a statutory personal contribution is due. The Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering) stipulate how the personal contribution is calculated.

In the year 2024 the extent of your statutory personal contribution will be a maximum of € 385 per calendar year. If your basic health insurance does not commence or end on 1 January of a calendar year, the statutory personal contribution for your public healthcare insurance for that calendar year is set lower, in proportion to the number of days insured. The calculated amount is rounded off to whole Euros.


Compulsory excess

Are you 18 or older? The costs incurred for medicines will count towards your compulsory excess. The provision of contraceptives as referred to in appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations and medication assessment as stipulated under the conditions in the overview 'Designated Care Not Applicable to Compulsory Excess' are exempted from the compulsory excess.

Who can provide this type of care?

For medicines, you may use a (contracted) dispensing chemist or a dispensing general practitioner. Use our Care finder to find a (contracted) dispensing chemist near you. Dietary preparations can also be provided by suppliers of dietary preparations.

For more information, contact customer services on +31(0)570 687 123. We will be happy to answer your questions.

Prior permission needed?

You will require our prior written permission for some medicines. Read our Pharmacy regulations to find out which medicines these are. As of 1 January 2024, esketamine nasal spray no longer needs prior permission.

Do you have a prescription for a drug that needs prior permission? Send your request and a copy of the prescription to:

Medical Advisor
Antwoordnummer 30
7400 VB Deventer

No stamp is necessary.

Separate rules apply to the medicines contained in appendix 2 of the Healthcare Insurance Regulations (Regeling zorgverzekering). The care providers that can issue prescriptions for these medicines are listed in the Pharmacy Regulations (Reglement Farmacie), per medicine.

Authorisation for resold preparations
Resold preparations are non-registered preparations prepared in one dispensing chemist (magistral preparations) and sold on to another dispensing chemist. The reimbursement of certain resold preparations designated by us is subject to our written consent before you receive the care. The resold preparations which
require consent are listed in the overview 'Resold preparations'.

When applying for care you will need to send us a copy of the prescription and a report from the attending physician including the medical diagnosis/diagnoses, a description of the current problem and the proposed treatment plan.

Please note:

The information on this page is a brief outline of the reimbursements. No rights can be derived from this page. You can only derive rights from our insurance conditions 2024.

Your health insurance

In My HollandZorg you will find all information about your health insurance policy. 

Maximum rates for a non-contracted care provider

Have you chosen a healthcare provider with whom we have no contract? Then, we will reimburse according to our maximum rates for 2024. If the rate invoiced by the non-contracted care provider is higher than our maximum rates, you will have to pay the difference yourself. You will be able to find contracted care providers with our Care finder.

Reimbursements, conditions and regulations 2023